SIG DevOps

The SIG discusses all architectural decisions regarding hosting of EVATool, build pipeline, and other infrastructure like e.g. authentication & authorization.

Team members:
  1. hbuhl (also member of team Impact)
  2. mhallweg (also member of team Analysis)
  3. tzaika (also member of team Impact)
Status Title Responsible Deadline
Branch strategy during development tzaika, SohleDelfin6504, und akosmehl
All documentation (apart from the decision log itself) has to be stored in a Github wiki, in repo evatool-backend Stefan Bente und Peter Klein
Rules regarding Git-Merge (Merge-Workflow) tzaika
Logging Strategy SohleDelfin6504
Some basic styleguide for domain modelling Stefan Bente
In the backend, we will follow the "Modulith" architecture style Stefan Bente
The package structure should reflect the DDD layer architecture Stefan Bente
API Testing hbuhl
Tool Chain for Build Pipeline - GitHub Actions vs. Jenkins tzaika und hbuhl
Containerization - VM vs. Docker tzaika
Local Debugging using Docker tzaika
Event Testing hbuhl
Choice of Hosting provider tzaika
Maven is used as build tool mhallweg
Definition of Quality Gates in Sonarcloud mhallweg
SonarLint and SonarCloud are used as code-quality tools mhallweg
Testing Automation with GitHub Actions hbuhl
Single module project SohleDelfin6504
Development model is "Single Repo" SohleDelfin6504 und Stefan Bente
Source code and test structure (and how to run applications and tests) hbuhl