In the backend, we will follow the "Modulith" architecture style

Belongs to
SIG DevOps
Stefan Bente
(1) Completion of the description text
(2) Solution description
(v1)   2021-01-08 - created initially
(v2)   2021-01-15 - motivated for the whole group

Why is there need for such a decision?

(Please explain in 1-2 sentences why this is necessary to decide, and why it is a decision on the respective level must / should / team)

Additional sources for better understanding the background

(Please list some sources where a reader can get a better understanding of the topic at hand)

Viable Options

(Please list those options that you seriously consider as a possible solution. Simple bulleted list with a brief 1-sentence explanation is sufficient.)

Alternatives not seriously considered

(Here comes a list of alternatives that you can exclude right away, without an in-depth evaluation. Format: Simple bulleted list with a brief 1-sentence explanation is sufficient.)

How is this decision evaluated?

(Before you start working in this, please write down how you will evaluate this decision, and plan to come to a resolution. It is not sufficient to perform a brief Google search, and then write the “result” down. Any decision must always be based on a thorough evaluation - if possible hands-on, i.e. by coding a brief proof-of-concept. if this doesn’t apply, then some other means of proper research must be given here - e.g. an evaluation of the most relevant literature or IT community sources.)

Resolution Details

(If the resolation cannot be explained in 1-2 sentences, usually this section would contain a link to some documentation in the Github wiki.)

Reasons for the resolution

(Please explain in 1-2 sentences, why you ultimately opted for this resolution, and not for an alternative one.)