Configuration database state dev and prod
- Acronym
- sig-api-database-configuration-dev-prod
- Belongs to
- Responsible
TheBuro und FalahSama
- Todos
- (1) options Docker vs. dual database (MySql + H2)
- (2) it would be strong benefit if someone could clone the repo and get started right away (with H2)
- (3) trial implementation needed
- History
- (v1) 2021-02-12 - created initially
Why is there need for such a decision?
Due to our different branches (Dev and Prod) two different databases might be needed! Due to the different databases, different configurations are needed.
Additional sources for better understanding the background
DB config
Dual DB config
Viable Options
Dual DB (MYSQL and H2)
Docker image
Alternatives not seriously considered
How is this decision evaluated?
This decision depends on the database.
Resolution Details
We will use dual databases. The effort to containerize the databases with Docker would calculate the time frame for this decision. Since familiarization with Docker is necessary.
Reasons for the resolution
We will use teo different application.prop. WIKI