There are many database systems for different purposes. It is therefore important to find a database system that is useful for our project. A database is needed to centrally manage the data. This database allows us to store data persistently.
Comparing Database Management Systems: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL Server, MongoDB, Elasticsearch and others. Here you can find the different open source database-systems and their basic structure e.g. relational and non-relational database-systems.
Commercial database-systems are unsuitable for open source projects.
After implementing the concept, the following findings emerged:
Both database systems behaved the same. There were no noticeable differences. In our opinion, this is more a matter of taste. In the end we decided to use the MySQL databases. Due to our experience with this database, this decision was easy for us.
Database table prefix convention.
Setup spring database connection.
Database version controlling with Flyway.
Based on personal experiences and testing both systems. The better choice is Mysql.