Web MVC with manual link

API Code Framework
Belongs to
(v1)   2021-01-30 - created initially
(v2)   2021-02-05 - update deadline
(v3)   2021-02-07 - decide decision

Why is there need for such a decision?

It should be indicated whether an automatically generated URL is normally used for the subdomains or a manually generated URL. The reason is that it would be better if everyone was using the same thing so that a new user would understand each controller the same way.

Additional sources for better understanding the background

You can find a poc in followed gitProject under module “SpingData_vs_ManualLink”.

Viable Options

How is this decision evaluated?

The decision is evaluated by a proof of concapt and the aspect that you need a controller to implement DTO-classes with Spring Data Rest.

Resolution Details

The resolution is that the teams should generate manual Links and not use Spring Data Rest.

Reasons for the resolution

The reason for this is that you need a controller in order to realize DTO classes. So if you must have a controller in this project case, you can diractly use the manual Link generation. It’s better to read and for new users good to understand the URI for REST.