The preferred way of synchronous communication between modules are api calls

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(v1)   2021-01-15 - created initially
(v2)   2021-01-29 - filled out

Why is there need for such a decision?

Sometimes synchronous calls between APIs are necessary. Therefore, a decision dealing this issue is required. All APIs must use the same way of synchronous communication.

Additional sources for better understanding the background

Sync vs async

Methods of Communication

Synchrone Kommunikation Rest

Viable Options

Alternatives not seriously considered

No other alternatives are seriously considered.

How is this decision evaluated?

To take this decision some research has to be done. No other evaluation is required.

Resolution Details

In oder to make synchronous calls the domains must call the API. The API should already offer all required cases of synchronous calls. If it is not the case, the API has to implement it.

Reasons for the resolution

Synchronous Calls should not be used. However sometimes they are necessary. Because the APIs should already cover all cases of synchronous communication, the resolution is fairly simple.